室内设计风格和流派英文,室内设计风格 英文
Oh, she was in the kitchen. While my mother was cooking, my father was stop to watch TV in the sofa. My mother was better at cooking. I like eating her makes food.What were my grandparents doing that time? My grandparents were talking with her friends. My grandparents were too boring to happy now. And them were very h***y , wasn't them? I love my family, my family always h***y.
无尘室英文表达是Clean Room。亦称为无尘室或清净室。它是污染控制的基础。没有无尘室,污染敏感零件不可能批量生产。在 FED-STD-2里面,无尘室被定义为具备空气过滤、分配、优化、构造材料和装置的房间,其***定的规则的操作程序以控制空气悬浮微粒浓度,从而达到适当的微粒洁净度级别。无尘室是指将一定空间范围内之空气中的微粒子、有害空气、细菌等之污染物排除,并将室内之温度、洁净度、室内压力、气流速度与气流分布、噪音振动及照明、静电控制在某一需求范围内,而所给予特别设计之房间。
Stylish home design style重点词汇释义时髦fashionable; stylish; vogue; in vogue; dandyi***风格style; form; manner; touch; color
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