
他是不一样的室内游泳” 这句话有点耐人寻味。。。我***设它应该是要说:“他是在不一样的室内游泳。。。”,那也许该翻译为He was swimming in a different indoor setting (pool).如果这话的意思是:“他是不一样的在室内游泳”,那也许该翻译为He swam differently from others in the indoor pool.
decorate house
1、室内装修 interior finish ; interior decoration ; Indoor-Decoration ; interior design
2、地板装修 floor finish
3、花砖装修 tiled finish
4、木装修 joiner's work ; wooden fitments
5、装修指南 Decoration Guide
6、装修施工 decorate construction
7、装修风格 Decorative Style
8、装修阶段 Decoration stage
9、固定装修 fixture
室内设计师词性及解释interior designer 例句I'm not an interior decorator, but I could always turn my hand to most things.我不是什么室内装潢设计师,可室内装潢的大部分事情我都能够拿下来。
And yet you need not be a professional interior designer.但你并不需要成为一名专业的室内设计师。
the color scheme for this room was determined by an interior decorator.一个室内设计家决定这个房间的色彩设计。
a discriminating interior designer; a nice sense of color; a nice point in the argument.敏锐的室内装饰设计师;对颜色的敏锐感觉;在辩论中敏锐的指出(问题)。Fashion Designer服装设计师
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